MyVoltage Logo
Cloud-based utility management solutions for buildings, residential estates & shopping centres. 
MyVoltage is putting an end to all your utility management headaches with our fully integrated & cloud-based utility smart metering platform. We offer instant, real-time access to detailed and accurate utility consumption data via a state-of-the-art cloud-based smart utility metering solution. 

4 Reasons why smart utility metering is a must for all property management agents:

Easy utility management

Prepaid electricity, water and gas means no more unpaid bills or inaccurate council accounts.

3 Easy payment solutions

Tenants top-up online meaning billing issues or outstanding payments are something of the past.

Real-time consumption data

Tenants can see what they use thereby making unnecessary queries obsolete. 

Accurate utility accounting

Fully integrated cloud-based accounting solution means error-free monthly reconciliations.
Finally affordable smart metering technology for everyone to benefit from, without hidden charges.

We provide smart-metering hardware and software solutions to the residential, commercial, and corporate industries. With MyVoltage you can look forward to:

1. A fixed monthly service fee per meter
2. No cost for recharging your prepaid Wallet
3. No utility deposits – water and electricity are prepaid*
4. Convenient recharge options via credit card or cash*

*Terms & Conditions Apply


It's not easy being a bulk utility manager. We know!

Take full control with our state-of-the-art utility management solution.

If inaccurate council accounts, outstanding utility payments, endless queries and lacking insights into utility consumption are keeping you up at night – MyVoltage has excellent news – our solution eliminates all of that.
If inaccurate council accounts, outstanding utility payments, endless
queries and lacking insights into utility consumption are keeping you
up at night – MyVoltage has excellent news –
our solution eliminates all of that.

Now you have the power to manage all your utilities precisely and effortlessly – online!

Unlock all these benefits and more with our fully integrated solution:

Ready to be smart about your utility management?

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Ready to revolutionize the way you manage your utilities? Download the mobile app and unlock a world of convenience at your fingertips!