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MyVoltage is a proud member of the Electricity Reseller Association South Africa (ERASA)

Did you know that MyVoltage is a proud member of the Electricity Reseller Association South Africa (ERASA)? ERASA is a formal communication, lobby, and advocacy network for Utility Services Resellers. And like all governing bodies, their aim is to protect the rights, interests, and well-being of those they represent: You! Why would you need protection, […]

MyVoltage’s Smart Metering Solution used in the world’s tallest hemp building

Innovation will be the driving force behind big things for South Africa in the years ahead. And recently, a building in Cape Town did just that by becoming the tallest building in the world made entirely from Hempcrete blocks. Hempcrete blocks are constructed from the woody part of a cannabis plant. Shiro Towers, a 12-storey […]

What prepaid meter systems lack, a MyVoltage Smart Prepaid Meter Solution backs!

The advantages of Prepaid Metering in general The concept of prepaid meters, like any other type of “pay-as-you-go” solution, is in short: genius. What’s not to like? From an end-user’s point of view, one can budget better with no more unexpected bills at the end of the month. End-users can simply top up whenever they […]

10 Ways to save electricity this winter


The National Energy Regulator of SA’s (NERSA) annual Incline Block Tariffs (IBTs) electricity price increase is set for the 1st of July as usual. Right, smack bang in the heart of winter, when we are already using more electricity to heat up the home and ourselves With the price of everything at the moment, it […]

Our new fresh-faced & funky look

Just when you thought MyVoltage couldn’t get any more inventive, we thought, well… let’s spice it up for you then. We know you are used to our intelligent and innovative utility smart metering solutions, and the trajectory to keep on disrupting the industry is absolutely ON POINT. However, we felt it was time for a […]

Understanding your MyVoltage tariffs

Tariffs, tariffs, tariffs – say this word a couple of times fast. Yes, we know it can be both a tongue and brain twister. This blog aims to help you with the logical side of your local municipality’s tarrifs. Tariff meaning: “A list of the fixed charges made by your local municpality, especially for use […]

Understanding Incline Block Tariffs (IBTs)

MyVoltage explain Incline Block Tariffs

Incline Block Tariffs (IBTs) are specific tariffs electricity and water consumers are charged based on usage. Essentially, it means “the more you use, the more you pay”. Say whaaaat? It sounds way more sinister than it actually is, so let’s take a few steps back. Once upon a time, electricity was abundant. But then, the […]