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Frequently Asked Questions

The meter reports on the consumption metered. The smart meter cannot determine what device or appliance consumed the electricity, water or gas.

Appliances like hot water geysers consume much more electricity than what you might think, so we suggest you do the following before contacting customer care:

  1. Switch off the main circuit breaker to your unit before leaving your unit for an outing of at least 4 hours. There should be no power to any of your appliances in your unit. Write down the time you left your unit.
  2. On your return, switch on the main circuit breaker and write down the time. Two hours after your return, log into your My Voltage online portal and view your usage. The period when you were not at home should have no consumption displayed on your hourly graphs for both water and electricity. If there was no consumption reported, it means that your meter is recording on correct consumption, and you should investigate your own usage patterns to save on electricity cost.
  3. If there was electricity or water usage during this period, contact Customer Care and provide them with the above details to investigate the matter.

Each smart meter is linked to property, and you can review the status of the meter (e.g. online/offline) and when the meter last reported from the My Voltage online portal.

On the “Contact Service Provider” page, an option to remotely disconnect and reconnect your electricity is available to you. With pressing the “Switching test” button, the electricity to your unit will be disconnected within 1 minute of clicking the button. The electricity will automatically reconnect again after 5 minutes of disconnection.

If the electricity inside your unit is disconnected, it confirms that the meter linked to your profile is indeed the meter supplying the property with electricity. If the test did not disconnect your electricity, please contact our customer care and provide them with the details of the test to assist them to investigate the matter.

We strongly recommend that you register online, but if it is not possible, we suggest that you make contact with our Customer Care Centre on or call them on 087 057 2561 to register your mobile number on our system for low balance notifications. The low balance notifications will notify you of your balance if your available balance reduces and you need to add funds to your online account.A SMS can be sent to your registered mobile every day, or weekly if selected. Separates costs may apply on this option.

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